Friday, 17 June 2016

Brazil tourism

Brazil tourism
Rio de Janeiro Brazilian municipalities Rio de Janeiro, Copacabana and the beach at the famous huge seaside town of Brazilian Ipanema in, 38 meters the top of the mountain Christ image Corcovado and Sugar Loaf, cable car and the granite monolith to the summit. The city is also known for its vast favela (slum). The noisy carnival festival, floats parade, equipped with flashy costumes and samba, is considered the world's largest. Braziltourism Braziltourism Brazil South American country Brazil, the vast South American country, has spread from the north of the Amazon basin in the vineyards and the southern part in large-scale Iguazu Falls. Rio de Janeiro, which is symbolized by the image of the summit savior of Christ mountain of its 38 meters, Corcovado is, feature parade floats, as well as the beach of the busy Copacabana and Ipanema, the huge, noisy carnival festival It is famous for the flashy costumes and samba for.
17 Jun 2016